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Thermal Imaging | What is thermal imaging? - Ensol Technologies

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What is thermal imaging?

Thermal imaging uses infrared radiation and thermal energy to collect information about objects to formulate images of them, even in low-visibility conditions. It allows for accurate analysis through a non-invasive, real-time monitoring solution on any mechanical or electrical equipment as well as effective analysis of heat flow for process monitoring. This makes it an excellent method to identify impending damage before it occurs.

What are all the uses of thermal imaging?

The uses of thermal imaging for electrical maintenance are extensive. For example, power line technicians make use of thermal imaging to identify parts that are at risk of overheating as they are already emitting more heat than the stronger sections. They can also help to spot loose connections or devices that are starting to fail. 

Other uses of thermal imaging include:

  • Electrical distribution boards
  • Electrical fuses
  • Transformers
  • Cabling
  • HT & LT Substations
  • Solar panels
  • Electrical motors
  • Pumps
  • Bearing assemblies
  • Gearboxes
  • Steam valves


A highly effective method

Thermal imaging is an effective and compact method of identifying and measuring heat patterns, specifically in conditions where visible light is absent.

Require a thermal inspection? Speak to the expert team at Ensol Technologies today!

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